
Case Study

Nelson Regional Airport - Terminal Development Project

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Project scope: This recently completed project involved a total redevelopment of  Nelson Airport's main operational centre - including a new purpose built 5,500m2 terminal building, a completely redeveloped access road, car-park and fully upgraded services.
Client: Nelson Airport Limited
Budget: $45 Million
Matt Griffin - Project Director and Engineer to the Contract

David Booth - Project Strategy

Ben Stark - Site Supervisor and Operational Interface

Duration: 2015-2019

Outcomes: Aesculus was engaged to deliver this complex and challenging project, which includes the complete rebuild of Nelson Airport's terminal in a critical operational environment, in an efficient and carefully planned manner with minimum disruption to daily services. As a staged project, parts of the existing terminal were kept open as new sections became commissioned. This was a significant undertaking, requiring a close working relationship with the Client, Contractors and the varied stakeholders in the project.

Aesculus was appointed through a competitive tender process to manage the project from concept stage, through design development, consenting and procurement, to the final delivery and fitout.

Stage A was successfully opened on 9th October 2018, which allowed for demolition of the old terminal and the construction of Stage B, which was completed for a Public Opening by the Prime Minister and the first passengers on 22nd October 2019. The total project scope was carefully managed to respond to all operational and tenancy demands, and was successfully delivered under budget.

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